— Bright Auroras

Welcome to Camilla Aurea KumaRa

New Earth Channel, Healer, Writer, Gatekeeper. Spiritual catalyst assisting embodied ascension.

Camilla Aurea KumaRa is a Multidimensional Guide, cert Akashic Records Reader and Light Language Sound Healer from the Nordic Sweden. She works on an international field, as well as locally, with pure vibrations and joy in heart. In 2022 Camilla released her very own oracle card deck New Earth Portals, with custom made art by Aron Visuals.

Be inspired by the wonders of Mother Earth, the greater cosmic connections and the mysteries laying waiting for us all to unwrap.

New Earth Portals Oracle Cards

Tune in and align with oracle messages of the hidden stargates, record keeper sites and multi-dimensional gateways of Gaia.

With 33 cards for equally 33 portals, and an additional guidebook containing uplifting messages and a background story for each portal, you have access to a high dimensional wisdom from the akashic and cosmic records – some pointing towards our coming future!

All cards come with light encoded custom made art, all in tune with each portal, by Aron Visuals. First publication of New Earth Portals Oracle Cards is by Mindstory Publishing.

Testimonials from you!

Cynthia S


Dearest One, I am sitting within my whole hearted blessings and gratitude this moment after receiving and participating in this absolutely beautiful transmission. I thank you, I thank all the beings and waves of Source that expressed and supported me today. I am sitting in awe. I am sitting in wonder. I am sitting in the purity I feel. That was stunning, and such a joy; and perhaps even life direction shifting. Yes, I think this set me free today from some immense cloudiness and density – showing me and reminding me the way out, and to get busy “being”. Thank you!

Webinar Workshop



Camilla carries High Frequency Light & brings an extraordinary quality into her very loving work. Give yourself a precious Gift by opening to receive what she has to offer.

Private Session



Hi Camilla, I want to thank you again for the beautiful and helpful session last week. It has continued to assist me with new insight and support. I just watched the video and it was incredible! The information, light language, and frequencies you brought forward are so uplifting and expansive. Thank you so much for your service and, most importantly, thank you for being so beautiful.

Webinar Session

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