Camilla Aurea KumaRa is a Multidimensional Guide and Light Language Sound Healer from the Nordic Sweden. With a unique and pure vibration, she focuses her work on Ascension, Star Beings, Planetary Portals and Christ Consciousness, connecting her with clients and groups all over the planet. Camilla has been an actively working Spiritual Guide, Channel and Healer for more than 10 years, though her path with the esoteric, mystic and spiritual fields began as early as in her teens. After four years of University studies, followed by four years at the Psychosynthesis Academy with deepening in transpersonal psychology, the clear opening of channeling became so strong no other path was thinkable than that of spiritual work.

Today, Camilla Aurea KumaRa offers her services both online and IRL, with group workshops as well as guiding sacred journey retreats. In 2022 she released her first printed publication, the New Earth Portals Oracle Cards, bringing channeled guidance, cutting edge intel and light codes into form. Camilla welcomes you into her world – through the crystalline stargate of your heart.

Camilla Aurea KumaRa has been featured on several online summits, live calls and podcasts. Welcome to listen in on interviews on Youtube and a featured example of a podcast in Swedish from Andliga Klubben.

Playlist with three interviews

Bright Auroras – the name and its meaning

If we first look at the word Bright we find five varieties of meaning
  1. giving off or reflecting much light
  2. filled with much light
  3. having or showing a good mood or disposition
  4. having or showing quickness of mind
  5. having qualities which inspire hope

Common synonyms from all five meanings are; brilliant, vivid, smart, lustrous, shining, shiny, illuminated, undimmed, promising, golden, sunny, hopeful, exceptional, heartening (Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, u.d.)

When we then look at Auroras we find two or three meanings:
  1. An aurora(plural: auroras or aurorae), sometimes referred to as polar lights (aurora polaris), northern lights (aurora borealis), or southern lights (aurora australis), is a natural light display in the Earth’s sky, predominantly seen in high-latitude regions (around the Arctic and Antarctic). Auroras are the result of disturbances in the magnetosphere caused by solar wind. These disturbances are sometimes strong enough to alter the trajectories of charged particles in both solar wind and magnetospheric plasma. (Wikipedia, u.d.) 
  2. The word “aurora” is derived from the name of the Roman goddess of the dawn, Aurora, who travelled from east to west announcing the coming of the sun. Ancient Greek poets used the name metaphorically to refer to dawn, often mentioning its play of colours across the otherwise dark sky. (Wikipedia, u.d.)
  3. We add some more meaning by sharing the definition Aurora has given us about herself, through the channeling of Camilla KumaRa. (I AM) an advanced high dimensional light being, connected with the Light from the North and New Golden Terra Gaia timelines… she who comes from the future to support our collective ascension in the now. 

There is also a deeper meaning to why we use the plural form Auroras. We hereby claim our own roles and intertwined parts for the birth of the New, the Golden Age, the New Earth, The Age of Aquarius. This is also about unity consciousness, the WE, as well as the rise of the Divine Feminine within All to bring about balance, both in women and men.

WE are the Bright Auroras

Get in touch

Meeting adress sessions
at Söders Mötesrum
Åsögatan 155,
Stockholm Sweden

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